Monday, 15 September 2014

Weekly Song Challenge Day #15- A Song That Describes Me

Hello all! Welcome back to another edition of Music Monday & the weekly song challenge. This week's challenge is to find a song that describes myself. I would say this is a difficult task, mainly because I don't think there's a single song that can describe me (a notion I think applies to pretty much any human being as we're all so different, for those of you who think I'm being a bit pretentious in saying that).

For example, a song that I have already mentioned that does describe part of me is Green Day's 'Loss Of Control', which I relate to in terms of introversion & a disinterest in the vast majority of people from my year at school. However, as I have already used that song in the challenge (& did explain how it described me then), I'll give you another couple of songs that describe other aspects of my personality:

'I'm Weird' by Ghost Town 
It's the first verse & chorus of this song that I'd say describes me, initially, I would say in terms of romance. In my minimal experience in this area, I found I did feel nervous, kind of awkward & weird & really, as the song says, I hoped that they liked & didn't mind me. But thinking about it, this also applies to me in a platonic way as well, again, I can be a bit awkward & shy when I first meet someone & I always hope that we'll get to know each other better.

'I'll Be Around' by Blowsight
I'd say this song describes the part of me as I am, or as how I feel I am, as a friend. As the lyrics say- “I'll be around,”- to any family member or friend needs to chat, if you feel shit, want to rant about life or how fictional characters are annoying you, or even if you need someone express extreme joy or happiness to, I'm there, I'll listen. May not always be there physically & I can't always guarantee the best advice or guidance, but I'm here for you.

That's about all I can think of for now. How about you, my readers, what songs would you say describe you? Feel free to leave a comment!

Thanks for reading! :)

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