Saturday, 6 September 2014

My Friday Post Didn't Quite Go According To Plan...

Hey readers! Those of you that have me on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter have probably seen a post saying how excited I am for my next blog post. Well, I got the vast majority of it done & ready to post, but there was one final thing that needed doing, which was the exciting bit. This is something that'd be a first for me as it's not something I've done before, but I thought "why not give it a go?".

So, thanks to the fact I haven't used a certain site in ages & was not aware how long certain things would take, said exciting blog post is delayed. However, I'll be making a change in my posting schedule to accommodate this, so the exciting post should be here on Sunday. You best all keep an eye out for it!

Now, because I'm a kind human being, I'm going to give you a few hints as to what this could be/be about:
  • It's to do with my art.
  • It's fandom related.
  • The main part will be on a website that I haven't used properly for years.

I'm also going to give you a sneak peak at part of it because I'm that nice:

That's all for now folks. Stay tuned for Sunday. It's going to be dead good! :D

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