Monday, 8 September 2014

Weekly Song Challenge Day #14- A Song No-One Would Expect Me To Like (And Apologies For Sunday)

Hello all!

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the lack of a post yesterday, which I promised early hours of Saturday morning after my Friday post for that day didn't go as planned. Well, neither did Sunday's, so the exciting thing I wish to share with you will be delayed until this Friday, when it will happen. Plus it's easier for me in terms of finding something to post this Friday, as it's going to be a busy week for me this week.

Anyway, that now means I can crack on with today's actual post, which is my 14th in the series of the Music Monday Song Challenge. This week's challenge gives me the opportunity to share a song no-one would expect me to like, something I thought would be difficult to find after my last instalment, but when I thought about it, I realised that actually there is a song I'm rather liking at the moment that would be a song no-one would expect me to like, & that song is this:

'Budapest' by George Ezra

Has this surprised anyone? Personally, I think it fits the bill for this week's topic as typically, I'm more of a rock/metal/bit weird kind of person. But there's something about this song- the beat & George Ezra's voice- that I really like. I may even check out some more of his stuff...

So that's all for today. Anyone want to share their unexpected songs that they have? If so, leave a comment below!

And stay tuned for Friday- I can guarantee you won't be disappointed! :)

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