Monday, 29 September 2014

Weekly Music Challenge Day #17- A Song I Always Hear On The Radio

Hello all! In today's edition of the music challenge I have to present a song I always hear on the radio. Being a person that hardly listens to the radio, it's difficult to choose a song I always hear. I'm not sure if my work's radio counts, even though it's not a proper station, but it's the one I listen to most as I'm there every weekend. I think I'll go with that one, as it's the one I listen to most regularly. Anyway, here's my song:

'Air Balloon' by Lily Allen

I've chosen this song as it's one I don't really mind. But then I think it's because I think of air ship rather than air balloon so I start thinking of all this steampunk imagery...

That's my song readers, what's yours? Stay tuned for the start of my Halloween special posts this Friday!

Thanks for reading! :D

Friday, 26 September 2014

Something Wicked This Way Comes...

Hello readers! Tonight's post is more filler if anything- I did have something I started writing but I think it would be better suited to next week. Also, I got a week ahead of myself, which is partly why I started writing it in the first place.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, & onto the point of tonight's post. I've decided that my Friday posts for next month shall have a creepy/spooky/horror theme to them in the lead up to Halloween. I thought it'd be something a bit different, give the whole theme thing a try.

Hopefully you'll all enjoy it, I reckon it'll be fun, may even call them 'Freaky Fridays' for the next month! Music Monday's will run as per usual, although I do have an idea for something different for the one before Halloween.

And that's all for now, will be back with the first post in the series for next week. But for now, here's a photo of a Deathly Hallows cake I made a couple of Halloweens ago:

Monday, 22 September 2014

Weekly Song Challenge Day #16- A Song That I Used To Like But Now Dislike

Hello readers! It's Music Monday, & this week my challenge is to find a song I used to like but now dislike. I'd say this is the most difficult task so far, as I can't really recall any songs that I've gone off of. I'm not really the kind of person that gets annoyed by songs being overplayed, & usually if I dislike a song it's always been a song I dislike.

I'd say I'm pretty stumped on this one. If I have to pick, I'll probably go with a song from my youth, one that I wouldn't choose to listen to anymore:

'Whole Again' by Atomic Kitten

As I said, it's one I don't listen to it anymore, I wouldn't say I dislike it as such, as I don't mind it, but it's not something I'd choose to listen to anymore. I was about 7 or so when this came out, & my music taste has significantly changed since then!

On a completely unrelated note, upon going onto my Uni's campus today, I found the magazine with my illustration in. Here is it:
Me & my illustration- yay! :D
And that's all for now. I hope you all enjoyed today's post, I'll be back again on Friday.

Thanks for reading! :)

Friday, 19 September 2014

The Start Of A New Chapter- A Week In Review

 Hello all! I feel it's time for another week review, don't you? If I'm being honest, I haven't done one the past couple of weeks as there hasn't really been much to say- I don't think a blog post that reads 'I tried to get on with my summer project & ended up procrastinating (again)' would be particularly interesting. This week, however, has been more eventful. Admittedly not the most eventful of weeks, but as the title says, I have started a new chapter in my life.

My summer holidays are officially over, so it's time to crack on with preparing for my second year at Uni, & to start that process, I have moved into my new flat with my friends, Olivia & Katie. Last Saturday saw that happen, & I feel it went well, although, being on the top floor, it meant having to ferry a lot of items into the lift, which wasn't the easiest of tasks! The plus side is that we get a nice view of the city, which should be even better if we get a bit of sunshine or snow.
The view- looks a lot better IRL.
That has been the main point of the week, the rest of it really has been settling in & sorting bits out. Has been a good week though, managed to get some more of my summer project done, & as I (thankfully) don't have the distraction of internet at the flat, it means I've got a substantial amount done. I've found it's actually been alright not having internet, sure I've used it on Uni's campus & had a quick flick through Facebook on my mobile, but so far I've managed to survive without it! Thankfully, I turned the web pages I needed into PDFs before I moved in using an extension in my browser (which is Opera, if anyone's wondering), which has enabled me to get on with my project.
Left- The left-hand side is how much I've done- it's quite a bit compared to when I last posted an image!
Right- Double page spread complete with images & annotations.
And that's about it for this week. So far the new chapter in my life is going well, let's just hope my Uni course improves & I'm set for a great year!

Hope you've all been well! I'll leave with you with another couple of pictures from the past week:

First breakfast at the flat- bacon butties & a good cup of tea! :D
Cadbury's Hot Chocolate & Oreos, accompanied by an episode of Sherlock- a great way to unwind before bed!

Thanks for reading! :)

Monday, 15 September 2014

Weekly Song Challenge Day #15- A Song That Describes Me

Hello all! Welcome back to another edition of Music Monday & the weekly song challenge. This week's challenge is to find a song that describes myself. I would say this is a difficult task, mainly because I don't think there's a single song that can describe me (a notion I think applies to pretty much any human being as we're all so different, for those of you who think I'm being a bit pretentious in saying that).

For example, a song that I have already mentioned that does describe part of me is Green Day's 'Loss Of Control', which I relate to in terms of introversion & a disinterest in the vast majority of people from my year at school. However, as I have already used that song in the challenge (& did explain how it described me then), I'll give you another couple of songs that describe other aspects of my personality:

'I'm Weird' by Ghost Town 
It's the first verse & chorus of this song that I'd say describes me, initially, I would say in terms of romance. In my minimal experience in this area, I found I did feel nervous, kind of awkward & weird & really, as the song says, I hoped that they liked & didn't mind me. But thinking about it, this also applies to me in a platonic way as well, again, I can be a bit awkward & shy when I first meet someone & I always hope that we'll get to know each other better.

'I'll Be Around' by Blowsight
I'd say this song describes the part of me as I am, or as how I feel I am, as a friend. As the lyrics say- “I'll be around,”- to any family member or friend needs to chat, if you feel shit, want to rant about life or how fictional characters are annoying you, or even if you need someone express extreme joy or happiness to, I'm there, I'll listen. May not always be there physically & I can't always guarantee the best advice or guidance, but I'm here for you.

That's about all I can think of for now. How about you, my readers, what songs would you say describe you? Feel free to leave a comment!

Thanks for reading! :)

Friday, 12 September 2014

This Friday I Present... A Speed Edit!

Hello there readers, or should I say 'watchers', as this week's post isn't actually a written piece (well, the main part isn't).

Today I give you something I planned to share last week, however, due to technical issues, that didn't happen, so I decided to post it today instead. I'm quite excited to share this with you all, as this is the first time I've done something like this. So, without further ado, let me share with you what I've done:

Last week I decided to incorporate part of my summer project into my blog & film myself doing a piece of photo manipulation. Being an 'In The Flesh' fan, I've wanted to try an edit making someone (in this case, me) look "partially deceased" for a while, but yesterday I was thinking to myself, why not do it for my summer project (as I have researched into photo manipulation) & do a video recording of my editing process to show how I did it?

Here's my final piece:

And here's the speed-edit video (had to be done at speed or it'd be over an hour long):

The video includes many 'trial-&-error' bits because of it's use for my summer project, to show the steps I took to make this. Editing my eyes was the most challenging part because they're so dark, but I'm glad I got them to look good!

Unfortunately, due to copyright on one of the songs, this video has been blocked from being shown in Germany. Apologies to my German readers/watchers for that, I'll see if I can sort something out so you'll be able to have a watch in the not-overly-distant future.

I hope you all liked it, feel free to leave comments & share with friends! 

Monday, 8 September 2014

Weekly Song Challenge Day #14- A Song No-One Would Expect Me To Like (And Apologies For Sunday)

Hello all!

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the lack of a post yesterday, which I promised early hours of Saturday morning after my Friday post for that day didn't go as planned. Well, neither did Sunday's, so the exciting thing I wish to share with you will be delayed until this Friday, when it will happen. Plus it's easier for me in terms of finding something to post this Friday, as it's going to be a busy week for me this week.

Anyway, that now means I can crack on with today's actual post, which is my 14th in the series of the Music Monday Song Challenge. This week's challenge gives me the opportunity to share a song no-one would expect me to like, something I thought would be difficult to find after my last instalment, but when I thought about it, I realised that actually there is a song I'm rather liking at the moment that would be a song no-one would expect me to like, & that song is this:

'Budapest' by George Ezra

Has this surprised anyone? Personally, I think it fits the bill for this week's topic as typically, I'm more of a rock/metal/bit weird kind of person. But there's something about this song- the beat & George Ezra's voice- that I really like. I may even check out some more of his stuff...

So that's all for today. Anyone want to share their unexpected songs that they have? If so, leave a comment below!

And stay tuned for Friday- I can guarantee you won't be disappointed! :)

Saturday, 6 September 2014

My Friday Post Didn't Quite Go According To Plan...

Hey readers! Those of you that have me on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter have probably seen a post saying how excited I am for my next blog post. Well, I got the vast majority of it done & ready to post, but there was one final thing that needed doing, which was the exciting bit. This is something that'd be a first for me as it's not something I've done before, but I thought "why not give it a go?".

So, thanks to the fact I haven't used a certain site in ages & was not aware how long certain things would take, said exciting blog post is delayed. However, I'll be making a change in my posting schedule to accommodate this, so the exciting post should be here on Sunday. You best all keep an eye out for it!

Now, because I'm a kind human being, I'm going to give you a few hints as to what this could be/be about:
  • It's to do with my art.
  • It's fandom related.
  • The main part will be on a website that I haven't used properly for years.

I'm also going to give you a sneak peak at part of it because I'm that nice:

That's all for now folks. Stay tuned for Sunday. It's going to be dead good! :D

Monday, 1 September 2014

I Interrupt The Weekly Challenge For A Day Of Remembrance

Remembering my Godmother, Auntie Jane, dearly loved & not forgotten. 
My thoughts are with my Uncle Chris & Tom today.
