Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Tune Tuesday- "Killed It With My Bare Hands"

Hello readers! I bet you're thinking- "tune Tuesday, what is this?" Well, seeing as I didn't to my usual Music Monday post yesterday as I was very busy catching up with coursework, I decided that I would compensate today & give an alternative. Rather than continue the challenge today (but it shall resume next week!) I thought that today I'd share a song with you all, which is:

'Killed It With My Bare Hands' by The Hitchers

Now you all get the rather odd title. The reason I share this song is because it's been in my head the past few days. I was listening to the album 'It's All Fun & Games Til Someone Loses An Eye' by them the other day & this song hasn't left my head. Also, they're a really good band, Irish punk, I definitely recommend checking them out!

And that's all for today's post. May or may not be back Friday, but shall definitely return Monday!

Thanks for reading!

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