Friday, 21 November 2014

Adventures In The Land Of Code

Good evening readers! Tonight's post is an insight into some of the work I'm doing at Uni, as I'm finally learning something new- yay!

One of the things that attracted me to my Uni was the fact that I would learn how to build a website properly. This is a skill I had admired for a while & something that I have been eager to learn, & now that I'm in my second year I'm finally doing so! Today, as part of an advanced workshop, I started to build my own website prototype using HTML & a piece of software called Espresso. I found myself really getting into it & here's what I created:

Homepage- just mucking around, writing stupid text, found a cute picture of cats to go on it.

Mucking around version 2- just writing random stuff, casually popping a picture of my Sim in there.

Was in a Futurama mood, so this had to be done. Again, just messing about.

And that's my website making so far! I may try & code up my blog once I'm a bit more savvy with it. But for now, I'm making silly things & just playing with it until my group give me actual content to work with.

Thanks for reading tonight, I hope you've enjoyed this insight into my new Uni work & skills! :)

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