Monday, 18 May 2015

My Music Moment Of The Week


Hello readers! In tonight's Music Monday blog post, I'd like to share with you a brilliant music moment I had this weekend, a moment so great, in fact, that a part of me still can't believe my ears!

Let me start from the beginning- as you all (should) know, I am a fan of CBS Elementary & the music artist Keaton Henson, the latter I discovered thanks to another favourite show of mine, In The Flesh. One day, whilst browsing Keaton Henson related things on Pinterest, I came across the lyrics to the song 'Beekeeper', which I kind of felt drawn to due to as I wasn't in a great mood at the time. As well as this, the song reminded me of Sherlock Holmes in Elementary- the lyrics of the song speak of solitude, instability & tactlessness- personality traits that I think are very 'Sherlock' due to his nature & past of being a drug addict. Plus, the title of the song fits well as, in Elementary, he is a beekeeper, so I've always considered this a theme song for his character.

Moving forward to the Friday that's just gone. The Elementary Season 3 finale was up & I had to watch it or I'd spend the next week or so avoiding spoilers. It was a good episode, admittedly not as epic as previous season finales, but it was obvious that it was going to lead to a big setback for Sherlock's character. Cue the moment of Sherlock's downfall & guess which song starts playing? Beekeeper- & that, for me, just made the episode! I actually sat there, had to pause it because I was so delighted & inform my Mother of what was going on & how pleased I was. It played at such a poignant moment as well that is just fit so perfectly with the end of the season- it was just amazing! My own personal theme tune for Sherlock played right there on Elementary- a top moment!

Here's a link to the song for you all:

I hope you all enjoyed tonight's post- let me know in the comments if anything like this has ever happened to you!

Thanks for reading! :)

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