Friday, 4 July 2014

An Interruption Of Freedom

Hey readers, happy 4th July! Right now in America people are celebrating independence & freedom, meanwhile here in England, the glorious freedom of summer has been slightly interrupted for me by the receiving of a summer project.

Although this is something I was expecting, it's not something I'm pleased about, seeing as in the past summer projects have practically been ignored by my tutors. Not always a waste of time, & up until this point in my life they've actually been ok, but actually putting the time & effort in & having it go to waste does annoy me! I personally believe if lecturers are going to set something, they should pay it more attention, not just give is as something to keep students busy! Which has been the case for the past three years, allow me to elaborate somewhat:

The very first summer project I was given happened before I started my course at college. Based on the idea of "things I have learned in my life so far", I had fun creating the following three pieces:

L-R- "Harry Potter Is Amazing", "Political Correctness Is Insane" & "If Nobody's Perfect Then I Know I'm Somebody"
However, on starting at college, & having a new tutor as the one who originally set the project had left, this project was quickly forgotten about, in fact, it was never even looked at. All that work & effort put in for nothing, but at least it was fun!

The next project wasn't as ignored or done in vain, as, being a much more motivated & optimistic student at the time, I was able to do some self-initiated research that helped with my first second year project at college & with other things since. Plus this was one counted towards my marks.

Now onto uni. Last year's summer project was rather fun & I did enjoy doing it & whilst I was doing it I felt as though I hadn't done enough. Again, at this point in time I was highly motivated & excited by my uni course & felt rather pleased with myself when I read online that fellow classmates had done barely anything, when I, by the end of it, had 37 pages of A3 completed. But did my uni lecturers care? Ok, they looked at the final outcome. Didn't do the whole "giving out the postcard" thing like the brief stated (we had to make a post card about the place we call home), & I did not get a commendation or recognition for the amount of hard work & effort I put in.

My final postcard design, thankfully the humour was appreciated.

That, plus the fact that my uni course has been a complete disappointment, has left me in a rather flat state. A part of me doesn't feel the need to try in case they don't look. However, the second year lecturers look a lot more switched on & professional than those on the first year & may actually give a shit, which would be nice. Plus, on the optimistic side (which still exists somewhere in the depths of my mind) it could help me to revive my mojo. As you've seen in a previous post, I've already started doing some art for fun, so I'm getting started. And I know deep down this is what I enjoy, so I want to try & do my best.

Part of this week's art for fun involved me making this reference for my promarkers, thought I'd share as I think it's nice to look at. :)

On another & more positive note this week, I've dyed my hair purple, however, as I was already red, it's kind of gone a burgundy colour, but still looks nice. Here's a photo:

That's all for this week. Hopefully I'll have a more interesting topic next Friday for you all. I'm sure I will.

Thanks for reading!

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